

Went to hospital for have a offical check up.

Baby is 6 weeks and only 7.1 mm now.

Sooo tinny.

And will born in around 5th April 2011.

Hopefully he/she is doing fine there :-D

After that met J and shows him the pic.

His eyes was shiny for that,hehee.

And we start to thinking about baby's name.

My idea was Noah :-)

And J's idea was Natasha ,Blenda and Jasmin.

Well,Jasmin is not bad,can add to candidate list.

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Feel sleepy all day =_=

Bought maternity magazine,didnt know maternity dress can be so beautiful.

Need get some dress and supplement :-)

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Was planned to go to clinic to have a check this afternoon.

But a little bit scary...I dont like hospital at all...

Well, i will go tomorrow;p

J was thinking to come to see me,but he have a meeting.

Have to postphone to tomorrow then.

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After work,slept all day.

Couldnt sleep well these days because of baby news...

Also J was work all day,whew!

Really hope he can get a rest to relax.

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Your dad and me decide to have you.

Whatever future we will force a lot of difficult problems,we will/can go through it.

You have all the best of love from us.

We love each other and we love you.

You are a precious present from GOD.

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J need to work late today as well :(

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J was busy with his work.

Couldnt meet >_<

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J made the time (about 30 mins) to met me at station where we met first time.

I still havent tell him yet what I am going to tell.

It was hard to tell him about my pregnant,because I really didnt have any idea what he going to act if he know that.

After I tell him,he didnt have big surprised.

I was really worry,i will lost him if  he know my pregnant....

But didnt have big different as usual.


Because didnt have much time at all,he have to back to the work.

Instead of J suggest us back home think over.

Then exchange our thoughts at next meet.

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Since my period was late about one week.

In case,just bought pregnant checker to test.

Then the result was postive.

Yes,it means I have a baby in my body!!!!!

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A lot of thoughts came cross my mind with surprise,happy and huge responsibility such as confused feeling.

At one moment,I felt like  i almost pissed out for that.

Couldnt waiting for to tell J this news,but he was busy woth his work at that day.

Also I didnt want to tell him this news by text or phone.

Because I want to know his directly feeling.

So,i was did very patience a lot  to tell him at that day until we can make time to meet each other to talk face in face.

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